How are you supposed to get housework done?
I mean, physically how are you supposed to get it all done, even if your neurotypical? So I'm supposed to get the washing up done, wipe down the sides, scoop the cat litter daily and replace it weekly, mop the floor, vacuum, throw out any mouldy foods, periodically clean the cupboards and the fridge, and that's just the kitchen!
And everything gets dust on it, and there's surfaces everywhere that I have to wipe down, and things that need putting away, I've got beds that are meant to be changed weekly, and bedrooms to keep tidy and cooking to do, and then more washing up to do, and it's all laminate flooring and we have a cat, so lots of mopping and vacuuming to do, and the stairs are the only carpeted thing so they get covered in cat hair even though the cat doesn't go on them and they take ages to vacuum properly.
And there's windows to keep clean and a yard to keep, toilets and sinks and a shower to clean, and dirt gets under everything, and the couch needs straightening all the damned time and plates and cutlery get left everywhere and no-one puts their clothes in the damn hampers.
And oh god the laundry.
And I'm still missing a boatload of chores that just never make it to my radar, let alone getting done.