I don't know if I can continue with Elvanse

Edit: as always I'm blown away by the kindness and help on here. So much insightful, kind and comforting advice. I've got a telephone appointment in a bit with the doctor and gonna tell him everything and come up with a plan. Thank you everyone. I know we shouldn't look to the internet for our medical issues but this has really helped. And I'm feeling a bit better today. xx

Before I start - I am making an appointment with my GP tomorrow to talk this through. But I need to see if anyone's experience is like mine because I feel like I'm losing my grip on reality and my sanity.

I'm at my wits end. Today has been horrendous. I feel disconnected from myself and everyone around me, forcing a smile while feeling unreal. I don't feel real and the world around me doesn't feel real on Elvanse.

I barely recognise the person who started 30mg in July and felt like she could take on the world (Been on 70mg since September).

This isn't just one bad day—I've tracked my moods since Sep, and the only days without anxiety are when I don't take Elvanse.

A bit of context re my general health: - I was on Fluoxetine 20mg a day for 6 years. I stopped it 20 days ago (following several weeks tapering) as I didn't like the way it interacted with Elvanse. I have generalised anxiety disorder, I don't have depression.

I recently saw a post suggesting feelings like this with Elvanse indicate a clearer view of reality, which terrified me. I adore my life and have worked hard for it for years, gone through hell, gone to therapy, unpacked a lot of heavy shit, built resilience and better mental health, learned to appreciate the little things, all that stuff. So it's infuriating being unable to access that joy due to a medication that helps in other ways.

I'm angry about feeling trapped. Without Elvanse, I'll go back to my old ways - my house will be a mess, i'll forget to contact my friends, I'll underperform at my job (the first job I've ever enjoyed and felt fulfilled in) and get fired again. As dramatic as it sounds, I feel like my choice is to remain useful yet miserable or be useless but happy.

What the hell do i do??? I wish there was a treatment where i could just have the good bits - the focus, lack of brain fog, the executive function etc. I don't want any "high", or euphoria or rapid heart rate. I don't want to feel like I've just been hanging out with Mandy. I don't want to literally just be sat in my house chilling yet feeling like I'm being hunted for sport. I just want to get on with my goddamn life.

How do I move forward - I feel so lost. Thank you if you read this far and I'm sorry for the pity party, I'm just so sick of feeling this way. I naïvely thought once I was diagnosed and treated, the hard part was over and it'd all be ok from now on. How wrong i was. 😢