[F4M] Spell the Kiss Away (Part 2) [witch speaker][bodyguard listener][modern fantasy][banter][flirting][enemies to lovers][enemies to friends to lovers]injured][mentions of death and threats to life][script fill]

This is Part 2 of a 5-part series called The Witch and Her Disney Prince. :)) (I'm not very good with titles LOL)

Part 1 can be found HERE.

CW: Injuries, swearing, bodyguard has a chronic / terminal illness, parental death is mentioned. There will be themes of violence and death. (also, there is a 'plot twist' at the end of this chapter, it's not actual cheating I DO NOT CONDONE THAT, it's a red herring to bring our characters together by the end of part 3. OK? OK. :D)

Speaker POV:

Yes, your Disney Prince bodyguard may not be like all the others, but you like it better this way.

You like it so much, in fact, that you decide to kiss him and try CTRL + Z by making him forget, but he cuts that spell short and knocks your breath right out of your body kissing you back.

Yeah, you sure were right to worry about that damn face.


Listener POV: 

You met your newest client, and within a span of hours you've fought with her, flirted with her, and she then saved your life by magicking a giant shard of glass out of your side after a car crash.

She explains everything from her hospital bed, insists you don't owe her anything, but your hothead brat of a client decides to claim her prize another way.




(hospital sfx)

Oh. Huh? I’m… I’m ok? Hospital. Of course.

Needles. Wow. Shocking. Wait. No pain? Did I heal?

Ah. Painkillers, probably. Urgh. That’s a disgusting scab. No bleeding. It’s the powers. Maybe? No. Who are you kidding, Forrest. You call yourself a doctor?

Let’s try that again. Repair my wounds, delay death’s rattle… spare me from the reaper’s gaze, I shall stand unfazed.

*SFX no effect*

Ugh. Pathetic.

Wait why am I alone? Where is that cute face? Ugh! I mean. Get it together, Dr. Forrest. You’re acting like a high schooler with a crush. Far out.

(door opening)

Doctor Marshall? Hi.

Thank you. I’m okay. 

Yeah? He’s here too? I– (nonchalant ish, but she’s actually giddy at the thought) good. I’d like to have a word with him. If that’s okay?

Good. Thanks Dr. Marshall. Will I… okay. Another day here shouldn’t be so bad. Thank you. 

(door opening again)

Disney Prince! Hi.

Yes. I… owe you an explanation. I’m sure you’re super confused, and I’ll need you to sit down and listen. If that’s okay?

I’m okay. Really. I’m conscious and kicking, see? I mean, I could have a board meeting right now, if needed. Don’t worry. I’m all patched. Well, not a hundred percent, but it’s nothing. Are… you okay? I’m sure you were shaken.

I know. And I’m sorry for putting you through that and making you worry. But it’s all right. I did the right thing. Is your side really all patched?

No. I won’t let you get fired. And my dad will understand. Don’t worry about this. He knows my… abilities… are glitching. It has been for months. It’s not your fault you got healed and I didn’t. And it’s not like you forced me to do it. I… wanted to.

I’ve been worried about my powers for a while, and I haven’t had the chance to test it. Yesterday, as… crass as it sounds, was the perfect test case. I’m sorry I made you an experiment, but… you proved my theory right. I still could do it. My stuff are intact. It just doesn’t work on me like it used to.

I knew there was a threat. I’m sorry. I knew they would attack when they thought the defenses were down and… well, you were new, and Diaz was on leave. It made sense.

It could be anyone, really. But this recent one… knows all of my movements. It’s weird and honestly frightening. Probably why dad ditched the agency and got a bodyguard from a family we know.

There have been multiple attempts and my best guess is the desperate ones are those that take the most extreme actions. One time, I was asked to bring someone on the brink of death back to life. A very bad, evil person might I add. But my powers don’t work like that.

That’s right. I can’t snatch someone from the grim reaper’s arms… but, well. They would love to see me try, I guess.

*brings out a necklace, pls apply SFX*

Yes. An amulet, specifically. You see the little stain over here? It’s supposed to be a red quartz. But…

This stain appeared that day I tried to bring someone back to life. My abilities have been glitching since then.

No. Of course not. They forced me, but I refused. So they took my mother hostage. 

Yes. I knew what to do. She told me to do what I had to do. I refused to save that vile man… and they… they got her.

She was still alive when I got to her. The bodyguards arrived but it was too late, but at least they drove the bad men away. While they were running, I took my mother into my arms and tried to save her. Then… as I was casting the spell, the ends of my fingers burned, like I’d stuck them into a fire. And my amulet looked like it was about to explode.

I knew it was too late, and I knew what I should and should not do but it was my mother. So… yeah. I couldn’t do it for a while. My hands were burnt and I couldn’t use them for weeks.

Yes. (voice cracks) Last year. It took months before I could use spells again.

Yes. A lot of my experiments got put on hold. The Henderson merger got pushed. I was grieving my mum, and I was… not at my best. And then… I had to recheck why the abilities were no longer working. Blood work. All that.

No. It’s just the… trying to bring people back to life that’s not allowed. I think. And saving you was no issue at all. I’m just really glad that worked. I tried it on myself again, but all I managed was to stop the bleeding and… form a scab?

Shush, Disney Prince, I’m trying to make myself feel better. Just believe that the powers and witchy thing did it, and not regular biology, okay?

Thank you. That is appreciated. (pause). Any questions for me?

No questions? Penny for your thoughts, then?

Thank you for breaking my fall and taking me to safety. Wait, is that a smile?

No, this one’s a proper one. Not polite, not patronising, nor forced. Also, did you just call me Maximoff?

I’m not complaining. I like that we’re on nickname basis now, actually.

I swear if you say I saved your life one more time, I might just magic the glass back in just to shut you up.

There. I’d hate for you to feel like you owe me something or whatever.

You’re doing great. I already like you more than all of the other bodyguards.

Excuse you, I never complained about your face! I was more worried than complaining.

Glad you’re catching my drift this time. So were your other clients cute? Do you like them more than me?

Okay, I’ll do a different line of questioning, then. No? Oh come on! What a spoilsport.

Stay put? What do you think I am? A toddler? I’m not going anywhere. Besides, I’m tethered to this IV until god knows when. 

Doctors said I can’t have food just yet. But thank you, Disney Prince. 

I’m good. My back’s just a little sore.

Good idea. Thanks. An adjustment would be great.

(sfx bed / pillows / cloth / machine)

(Heavy breathing. He adjusts the bed, and then she notices how close he is to her.)

Yeah, that’s good. That’s perfect. (breath hitches)

Cozy. Yes.

Yeah I can sleep…

Thanks. I’ll… sleep tight. (exhales) 

Wait. Disney Prince? (grabs hand, maybe clothing sfx)

(She kisses him.)

Oh my god. I’m sorry. 

(breathes heavily. magic sfx) 

Lead your memories astray, keep my indiscretion far away, with this spell you will forget–

Wait, what? What do you mean you don’t want to forget?

(he kisses her this time. MAKE OUT. GO TO TOWN.)

Hoooly shit you know how to kiss.

(catching) I’m sorry.

With this spell, you will forget, leave no room for vain regrets.

(magic sfx for spell working, extend music.)


Uh… You were moving my bed. Are you okay? Do you remember who I am?

(relieved sigh) Yes, my side is okay. Yes, you were sitting there, and then you asked if… I uh. Wanted an adjustment for the incline and you so kindly obliged. Thank you. You must be tired now too if... you're getting disoriented. Don't worry. My dad and Diaz are on their way, so if you need to rest, I’ll be okay.

(Door opens)

Oh. Your gran? Nice to see you, Mrs. Eisenberg Rinehart. I’ll… rest a bit now. You should rest up too, Disney Prince.

(door close)


Dad! (cheerful and relieved) Thank goodness. I’m glad you’re here. I’m okay. Stop fussing. Oh hi Diaz! We missed you.

Yes. Disney Pri– I mean, the new guy did okay. He brought me to safety.

Oh, he told you that didn't he?

Well, (slightly guilty) I needed to prove my theory. Um, we knew the powers were glitchy… and I wanted to know if it could work on others now. It just happened that the crash happened so suddenly and he did… his best and ended up with glass in his gut…

No I’m not over explaining. Just wanting you to know what exactly transpired. Please don’t fire him.

You’re… not firing him?

(relieved sigh) Jesus. I was scared you would.

Well, he’s a very good bodyguard. I think he can pull a Diaz and be with us for decades. I don’t know.

Oh Dad. Don’t give me that look. 

I mean, he’s good, okay, all the others were pervs or weird, or scary. This one’s normal for once so it only makes sense that I want to keep him. Is that so bad?

Bad if he… what?

He’s… engaged?

I… that… I well, I don’t see any problems with that. He’s a bodyguard. What would his being engaged have to do with anything? I... can be professional. Ahem.

What do you mean that’s what you’re saying?

Who’s getting attached? Not me.

Look, maybe I sound like I’m getting attached, but it’s just me being all affected by all the painkillers that must be in my bloodstream right now. I just… think he’s good. He gave Sutcliffe a good verbal beating for sleeping on the job. Please tell me you’re firing Sutcliffe?

Ok. Good.

I’m… I’m not acting weird. So what if he’s attractive. I tease him about it. Almost like an insult.

No… You’re my priority, Dad. This family. At least, what is left of it… after last year. The company, the incoming merger. My experiments and my work.

I’m not crying… What are you talking about? (sniff)

Oh. I’m probably just getting… tired. I think the adrenaline’s worn off now. So I’m feeling sleepy and cranky and I cry when I’m cranky. Yeah, that’s it. I think I just need a couple of hours.

Thanks, Dad. I’ll be fine. Don’t fuss, and most importantly, don’t bother Dr. Marshall, I owe him a lot during my residency– DO NOT bother him any more than I already have.

Ok. Love you, Dad. You too, Diaz. (laugh)

*door closes*

Dear god. What have I done.

I kissed a man who was engaged. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU, FORREST? Jesus.

I can’t even be mad at him for kissing me back now because I made him forget.


Well. This is for the best. Maybe.
