Authors: when did you start posting multi part scripts?
Hi again, everyone! After a couple weeks of churning, I finally managed to get my first script out last night! While I regret not asking for feedback on formatting, I'm glad to say I got it done, and now I'm thinking about what comes next.
I have a few multi part scripts that I'm really excited by, and want to get them down onto (digital) paper. But im worried about the scope of such a project, as someone who just got started. Especially since I'm still trying to get a feel for this style of writing.
So I wanted to once again, get some advice from the fine authors of this community. If you have written a multi part script before, how many scripts did you write before getting the confidence to do wo? How was it different from writing a one and done?
As always, I appreciate the advice. Thank you all for your time, and I hope your all having a spectacular day and evening!