[F4M] - We’ll figure it out... Together [ASMR] [Heated Conversation] [Confliction] [Disagreement] [Lifestyle Changes] [Common Ground] [Working Through It] [Talking/Whispering instead of yelling]

Speaker: Female 

Listener: Male 

Premise: You and your boyfriend are about to have to make some big life-changing decisions. However, neither of you seem to be on the same page. So, instead of getting into a screaming match, you try another method to be amicable and reach an outcome you both want. 


Italics: Emphasize 

(Description of an action or mood) 

*Sounds or effects* 

"Sarcastic" or "Quote" 

[Personal notes] 



(Door opens and then closes) 

Honey... I’m home. Are you in the living room? Where is he? 


(Walking around into the bedroom) 

Oh, there you are sweetie. I was looking for you. Wait... baby, are you okay? You have this expression that suggests something is wrong. 


[He explains that the lease they are currently signed on for has been cut short unexpectedly. He is unsure what the next step is, but they only have one month to figure it out.] 


That’s the email the landlord sent? Why out of the blue? Why no explanation? I don’t get it... ugh.... 


(Deep inhale and exhale) 

What are we going to do now? We only have a month to find another place to live and get out stuff out of here. I feel like this is illegal, but we don’t have time to go down that road. What’s the plan, honey? 


[He emptily shakes his head, unsure what they should do. As unexpected as this was, the timeline just feels insurmountable. Especially in the current market.] 

Baby... (she sits on the bed next to him and looks into his eyes.) Look at me. I don’t know what you’re thinking right now, but let me at least say that this isn’t your fault. You’ve done nothing wrong. The landlord is just a power-hungry asshole, and we will deal with them in time. For now, we need to figure out a gameplan. Please... talk to me. I’ve never seen you this shaken up before. 


(She hugs him, and she can hear him begin to quietly sob as his arms wrap around her tightly.) 

Awwww baby no.... don’t cry. Listen, I’m sorry for being so gun-hp about this. Normally, you’re right there with me. But I didn’t realize this was affecting you so badly. It’s okay, come here. (She gently rubs his back as he figures out his emotions and what to do next). 


Okay, let’s try another approach. Take your time, I’ll hold you until you calm down, and then I want you to explain what’s going through your head, okay? I’m right here. 


[After a moment, he let’s go and explains where his head is at. Given their current economic circumstances, he feels it might be best to move somewhere north of their current location. It’s cheaper, if a little more inconvenient for the both of them.] 


Baby... I get what you’re saying, but you want to go north? That’s only going to make our commutes to work longer, plus, we’d be farther from both our parents. I understand it’s cheaper, but you don’t think going a little more south would be better. We can definitely afford it, if only for a year. 


No, I am trying to think long term it’s just... I’m also trying to think about us. Going south is more practical and easier even if it costs more. We can figure it out. I can start taking as much overtime as I can to start saving up, I know you’ll do the same. It can work, please baby. Trust me. 


[He is very apprehensive of the idea. To him, one year isn’t a long enough timeline to feel comfortable. Two years, maybe. But one year goes by so quickly.] 


Babe, I understand your apprehension; one year isn’t a lot of time, but please. We can do this. That’s twelve months; three-hundred and sixty-five days. If it means we both need to look for new and even a second job you know I’ll do whatever it takes. 


[He pauses for a moment and thinks. He asks if they can really pull this off.] 

Yes, baby we can. We’ve gotten through tough times before. Remember when I was really sick and bedridden for two weeks? You kept working, took care of me, got me to my doctor’s appointments; you were my rock. And I know how much of a toll that put on you. I’m still grateful for that. 


(Whispers) But this is different; you won’t have to go at it alone. I want this. I want us. We can be happy; we can succeed. If it means all we do for a while is eat, sleep and work I’m fine with it. Sacrifices must be made at some point. And plus, we’ve been playing around with the idea of moving for a little while now. Come on baby; let’s take a leap of faith. I trust you. Do you not trust me? 


[He assures her that he trusts her judgement. He just doesn’t want this to fail. He doesn’t want to fail her. He gets agitated not necessarily at her, but at his own inability to be confident that he will succeed under these circumstances.] 


Baby, slow down. Quiet voice, okay? We’re in this together. Come here. There’s no need to get so upset. 


(Whispers) Remember: this isn’t just you having to deal with this burden. I’m here too. This isn’t you versus me. It’s you and me versus the problem. And the problem is solvable. Tomorrow’s Saturday; we’ll start looking at new places to potentially move to. For tonight, how about this. I’ll get a bath going, we’ll go in together, and any insecurities, concerns, anxieties we have we will let it all out in there. Afterwards, we’ll go straight to bed in our jammies and just embrace each other. Okay? 


[He silently nods his head] Good. Come here baby, let me kiss you (she gives him long, deep, reassuring kiss). You’re going to be okay. We’re going to be okay. You’ve been through worse in your life, right? Remember when the college you went to lost your paperwork for your scholarship and you thought you were going to have to drop out? 


It worked out in the end. You busted your ass, calling people non-stop for two days and got it sorted together. This is on the same level. So, again, let’s take tonight to decompress and get our emotions in check. And then starting tomorrow, we’ll hit the pavement and look around. If there is something we both like, we won’t hesitate. Who knows, we could be out of here as early as next week. Imagine that, huh? 


(Giggles) And maybe, our new lease will allow us to actually put stuff on the walls. Because we have those posters we got for our white elephant last year and we haven’t done anything with them. Ohhhh, is that a smile I see? Yes, it is, come on baby. Smile for me; you I know I love it when you do. 


[He blushes and smiles warmly at her; thanking her for support and encouragement and apologizing for getting so worked up] 

Please don’t apologize baby. Your reaction was understandable; they just threw this at us, on a Friday of all things so they won’t be back in the office until Monday. But listen; we got this. We got this so hard. Now, gimmie a kiss. (She gives him multiple little kisses). I love you baby. Let me go get the bath ready for us, so we can finally try to relax a little bit.  


(She gives him a forehead kiss and walks away.) 


Once again, for anyone who reads or decides they'd like to record this script, I am thankful you chose this to spend your time and talent on. I hope you enjoy!