Vertus Praetors vs Venatari Custodians Analysis

With the recent changed to Vertus Praetors, I think they are in competition with Venatari. This is not just game-wise, but money-wise too.

Below is my own analysis between the two. Both have their places and usages.

Vertus Praetors (Cavalry)

+PROS+ - 15 points per 1 wound (health) or 75 points divided by 5 wounds. Pretty efficient for a Custodes unit. That is the equivalent to individual Guards. - 5 wounds per model. Many attacks do 2 damage, so the Vertus Praetors can potentially handle one more 2 damage attack than Allarus Custodians per model. - IMPORTANT: Vertus Praetors are much less expensive ($) than Venatari and much more available/accessible. You won’t be selling an arm and a leg to get a unit, especially in the second-hand market. - Toughness 7 which brings it above many popular ranged attacks such as Immolator’s flamers, assault cannons, and soulreaper cannons. - Quicksilver Execution can be used during the 12-inch move. If you set it up right, there is a possibility to dish out 8 mortal wounds.

  • Big brain move: Cavalry flanking maneuver 1) Lure enemy units in one objective. 2) Set up Vertus Praetors at a flank. 3) Engage enemy units in melee so they don’t move or disperse. They will likely be lined up. 4) Optional: If using Solar Spearhead detachment, use the Unstoppable strategem for Vertus Praetors, if you’re not in an ideal position. It’s 0 CP if you have a Shield-Captain with them. 5) Use Quicksilver Execution and move over multiple lined-up enemy units. If you set it up right, you don’t need to pivot and maximize that 12-inch move. 6) Roll dices for mortal wounds. If you have 3 Vertus Praetors and a Shield-Captain, that can potentially be 8 mortal wounds for 1 enemy unit. That is 4 space marines or 2 terminators eliminated. 7) Shoot and charge to finish out any enemy units left. To maximize the damage, make sure a dreadnought with the Honored Fallen enhancement is nearby. 8) End result: OC may tilt your way and you get more points. This tactic punishes minimum sized units.

-CONS- - Still 75 points per model and 160 points for the Shield-Captain. Much more expensive (points) than Venatari. - Cannot go through walls without Unstoppable strategem. So, the cavalry tactic will be much harder to execute in Shield Host. - Harder to hide than Venatari. So, keeping them alive to do the cavalry flank will be a challenge. - No free rapid ingress unless you have a SC with them. - Will need more finesse and skill to get to the enemy home objective.

Venatari Custodians (Surgical Strike)

+PROS+ - 55 points per model instead of 75 points. - You get 3x Venatari Custodians for 165 points than just 2x bikes for 150 points. So that’s 15x melee attacks for Venatari vs 10x melee attacks for bikes. There is a con below. - Free rapid ingress and can deep strike. - Requires less planning and finesse to flank or ambush enemy units - Can fallback, shoot, and charge for free. - Can go through walls without a strategem. - Can easily take enemy home objective (if lightly guarded) and hunt down enemy glass cannons. - Easier to hide than Vertus Praetors.

-CONS- - 18.33 points per 1 wound (health). So, more points per wound than bikes. - IMPORTANT: Venatari are more expensive ($) than Vertus Praetors and much less available… unless you use good alternative routes. They are still expensive even in the second-hand market. - Toughness 6 means they are susceptible to popular ranged attacks such as Immolator’s flamers and assault cannons. More fragile. - May have less damage potential since Vertus Praetors have the upgraded Quicksilver Execution. - Meaning, Ventari should be used for surgical strikes than a flanking unit.

Overall, Vertus Praetors are good as a flanking cavalry unit, but they require a lot more planning and better positioning to pull it off. You have to think like an Aeldari/Drukhari player - lure, fix, trap, and flank. Ventari should be used for surgical strikes. Venatari cannot handle multiple enemy units at once, but they can take down key enemy fire support (glass cannons), ambush enemy utility units, and the enemy home objective. That is very useful against the likes of Drukhari Scourges or Warp Spiders.

Both units are very flexible. Vertus Praetors are now a viable option if one doesn’t have access to Venatari Custodians. Not everyone can spend that much money on Forgeworld units.

Edit: 8 mortal wounds, not 10.