Now We Got Bad Blood: Mom's Chat Version


Recently, the group chat I was part of, made up of six women in our 40s, fell apart after one member took issue with a lighthearted conversation we had. We were joking about how our husbands tend to avoid housework and share less responsibility with childcare. This particular member found it inappropriate for us to discuss our spouses in this way, and maintained that her partner would never talk to his friends in that way about their marriage. We explained that it was all in good fun and that her concerns made the group feel like a censored space where we couldn't fully express ourselves. Since then, the group chat has quieted significantly, and now some of us are uncertain about how to move forward with tentative plans for a "mom's weekend away." We’re wondering if we are obligated to invite the member who caused the rift, especially considering that she still has one ally in the group who might take offense if she's left out. Should we exclude both of them, or is it better to cancel the whole weekend trip? What is the best course of action to maintain peace and keep the spirit of the weekend intact?