Suspected CAS, frustrated toddler

My son is nearly two and largely nonverbal. He’s currently in early intervention for speech therapy. His SLP suspects he may have CAS because his receptive language is far more advanced than expressive and we occasionally will hear a word once only for it to never be repeated again. He has made progress with sign language and has recently added a few words which is so exciting! However, he a busy little guy who gets very upset when he feels we don’t understand or redirect him from unsafe/undesired situations. His frustration often results in self injurious behavior or physically lashing out towards me and other family members (including our animals). It’s become a real frustration for all of us and he’s actually really hurt us at times— drawing blood when biting, bruising, etc. I assume this can be common with CAS? I know I would feel frustrated if I couldn’t verbalize what I want or felt misunderstood.

Example: his comfort item is his bottle of milk. He was told to get down from the table and was told “not safe!”. He’s then comes to me signing for milk and pointing to the fridge. My hands are dirty as I am preparing food and I tell him to wait a moment while signing “wait” before I turn to wash my hands. He then becomes agitated, screaming/crying throwing himself to the floor and banging his head, or comes over bites my leg, or hits the dog. I have tried to label what he’s feeling like “I can see you’re upset you have to wait” or acknowledge “I understand you want milk. Give mama a second to wash her hands”. The early intervention folks say to focus on positive reinforcement like “kisses or gentle to mama” instead of “no bite”. However, none of these strategies seem to help.

Have you experienced this yourself or with a loved one with Apraxia? Are there any tips/strategies that I can help include that could help with some of these behaviors?