Woman here. I just had the weirdest thought and want to know about your beards. How many of you miss your no-beard days of youth?
What does it feel like to have one? Do any of you miss the pre-pubescent days of no beard?
Do you wish you had more beard? Are you aware of your beard when you’re talking? For those of you who “can” grow a beard but never have, why? Are there any things that get stuck in them that a woman might not know about (food, hair, clothes feel like the obvious ones)? Do any of you put skincare (not beard care) in the beard?
Update: thank you all for the truly helpful answers. This has answered so much for me. We made it to 135 comments before someone said something irrelevantly vulgar, which I think is pretty good, but now I’m so repulsed that I’m putting down my phone and headed to bed. Thank you all for the laughs and all the input, truly. I learned a lot from all of you today.