Were predatory relationships more accepted when you were growing up?

To relate this more to the flair, was there ever a relationship you experienced or witnessed that perhaps would be called out for it's predatory aspect more now than before? Please specify if you're a millenial/boomer/genxer etc.

This may be a bit of a triggering question and I remember I asked this question on r/askoldpeople where the responses were really upsetting. Someone I know told me in the early 90s, at their high school, college guys used to show up to hit on the young girls and nobody cared. Then there's the influx of these sort of movies in the 80s/90s like the Brooke Shields films, countless French films (I think Agnes Varda directed a film where her own son was basically being groomed), Lolita, Poison Ivy, Babysitter, American Beauty (which ppl argue was more satirical about it), Circle of Two, The Crush, and I can't think of any more but I'm sure they existed.

I remember there was a documentary that said the sexualization of young girls become more prevalent post womens's liberation.