Easily Flustered... constantly feel overwhelmed. How do you deal?!

I’m 6 months pregnant with my second child and I have this constant feeling of being overwhelmed and get easily flustered. Anyone else have this issue? How did you deal with it?

Background: I’m very ambitious and have an achievement driven personality. I’m you’re stereotypical ‘type A’ personality. I organize and plan most everything in my life, I love making lists and working through the day checking things off and getting things done. I have a wonderful husband who is always there to help and support but knows sometimes just stay out of my way because I’m a woman on a mission! I love being productive.

TYPICALLY I’m good with balancing things that I can and can’t do. I’m a realist and know I can’t do everything myself and (especially with this pregnancy) have had to relinquish control to others for the sake of my mental health. I feel this constant underlying sense of anxiety and being overwhelmed, which leads me to get easily flustered. It’s hard because I usually am able to remain level headed but this pregnancy has me spinning in circles.

Any advice from fellow bumpers about managing your stress and/or anxiety? Or ways to calm down after becoming flustered?