Fetal heart rate
I went to my follow-up appointment this morning, at 8w2d. It is alive so far, with a beating heart, but the doctor said that its heart rate is too low and is skipping beats, so there is a high chance that it will not live much longer. He said the heart rate is 95-100 and usually at this point it should be at least 110 to be likely to survive, and 120-160 would be normal. It was crazy to see the heartbeat, and then super sad to learn that it probably isn’t good enough. I am supposed to come back in a week to see if anything has changed.
I am really, really tired of worrying and waiting. I know that there is nothing I can do one way or the other, and, if anything, stress is detrimental, so I am just trying to be chill. But it isn’t really working so well at this point.
Is there anyone in here with a successful outcome from a similar situation, or should I just give up hope and see if I end up being pleasantly surprised?