I don’t enjoy speaking about black males but
I will never forgive them for making nonblack people hate us. We are literally hated worldwide because of their bullsh*t. The car jackings, robberies, street harassment, begging, rape of nonblack women, begging for the validation of other men's women and the list goes on. I'm sure I don't get treated as a black male but I still feel it sometimes. We are painted with a broad brush and I hate it. Every time I watch the news there they are. I sit at a bar to enjoy lunch and a mug shot of a blk male pops up now people are staring at me. There hasn't been one case of a black woman robbing anyone in my city but some nonblacks walk away from me or act afraid of me. Me, a woman. A woman walking my tiny dog. A woman that has a crystal clean record. I'm to be feared and avoided.
Many nonblacks think we are in cahoots with them and I hate it. If I'm at a bar and a black male walks in I'll notice some people eyeing him and eyeing me like we are "casing the joint". Some people will even leave bc they're afraid we're about to do something. There are a lot of people that realize it's black males and not us. Most people won't fear a woman, so guess what? Black males have made it a FT job to slander us every chance they get. They hate that a lot of nonblacks are more welcoming to us so they do everything they can to stop it. They WANT us to be treated like they are. They want to keep us locked away from the world with nowhere to go but blackistan. The looks I get from black males when I'm at an event that's typically catered to nonblacks smh .. they hate to see black women mingling and enjoying our lives outside of blackistan. Several times I've seen them pointing and talking about me to their nonblack male friends! They want to make sure no one likes us and they want to make sure nonblack men won't date us. One night a black male was talking sh*t about me to his friend (white male) and I heard the wm say "are you just mad because you know you couldn't pull her?" I wanted to high five him bc that's exactly what's going on. I'm so tired of them!
I love the way I look. I love being a beautiful brown woman so much. IMO there isn't a woman on this earth that can compete with the swagger, the aura, the style, the sex appeal, the strength, the creativity, the magnetism, and the resilience of a black woman. But I genuinely hate that my male counterpart is a black male. I deserve better. We all do.