Weird symptoms anyone relate?

  • brain fog/dissociation so bad that i can’t remember anything. I somewhat got this disorder from a relationship and i cant recall almost anything that happened in it. It’s like theres a blockage not letting me access my memories.
  • always feeling bad one way or another: body stiffness, impending doom, brain fog, depression, anxiety etc etc.
  • feeling like i myself am the abuser. Not in that i was abusive but i mimick the person that abused me to the extent that i feel like i am that person
  • feeling like im always being whatched, like i am infront of somebody putting on an act even though im alone
  • feeling an invisible connection with the abuser, and having really hard time understanding that we well never meet again. Like i modified my whole soul to be with you and now although you’re gone im still stuck in that state.
  • suddenly feeling that everyones against me, even the people i once trusted the most.