Talk me out of a Nissan Leaf

Okay, so I'm in the market for an EV, and because I'm from up norf' I'm cheap.

I have a budget of £15k and want around 200 miles of range.

I have experience in the Mokka-E and I really didn't get on with the driving position, even with the seat all the way back I still had to have my knee at an uncomfortable angle and could barely walk after an hour drive.

I really like the look of the Peugeot E-2008 but the small steering wheel seems a bit off to me.

Now, for the last few weeks I've been borrowing my mother's 40kWh Nissan Leaf and have really enjoyed it, I can fit in it comfortably (albeit with the seat all the way back and on the floor), it's easy to drive and now I'm used to the 360 camera I don't think I could live without it.

While I've been fine with the relatively short range (130-140 miles), I like the idea of going for the 62kWh battery version as it's barely any more.

I know the disadvantages of the Leaf over the competition, CHAdeMO is a dead standard and the air cooled battery is shite for long journeys. But I don't plan on rapid charging all too often so those don't bother me.

For the price of the Leaf, it seems like there really isn't a better option value wise, and before I impulse buy one, I need someone to come up with some decent alternatives!