Don't take TAX classes from neeraj Arora
Yess guys neeraj teaches tax , I know many of u weren't aware of this before , but he teaches tax too
But in the most stupid manner ever brah I can't even tell how much stupid was my decision to take classes from him
Here r some key drawbacks 1) stupid notes - simply copies icai language when he can't break a topic to make it simple to understand
Gst absolutely shit , his gst notes r literally trash when I compare them to anyone vishal bharttad , vijender aggarwal I can't believe he is teacher of gst but still he notes r so irritating , literally no flow , one topic there then few other topics then again same topics comes with few additional points
I can't break it more but if u compare it to any teachers notes u will notice what I am taking about
No simple format , charts , flow , bullet points Yesss I am not kidding
2) lactures issue , no fix length of classes, sometimes 1hrs , 20 minutes , 2hrs depends upon sir ji ka mood
3) question bank , he not provided u with a proper question bank , icai material questions from material itself , and jus few additional questions
( Not even a proper question bank with icai material all questions and pyqs and RTP MTP question) can u believe
4) make u juggle a lot he makes u juggle a lot between icai material, and his notes , he give reading of icai material which is good but he sometime ticks stuff there like this topic cover from module this chart is important , imagine u continually flipping pages
Bro then what r ur notes - when u can't cover all those good paras and charts from icai material
5 ) in class notes , yaah he many times solves some illustrations which r not in his notes not in icai material, and not in his question bank so u make a separate copy for those Points and illustrations he is saying in class ( I don't mind writing this and maintaining a separate register , but why that stuff is not in ur books , jus why )
6) imagined the frustration, juggle through his notes , icai material, question bank and in class written notes , and some additional questions bank for some more question practice ( and this for every chapter of gst and income tax)
7)no revision lectures on yt , my mam knows he is a shit teacher of tax so he never shares anything related to tax , on yt , he knows people will call out him ( Subscription expire in just 4 months but no revision lectures on yt , awesome institute)
He is Good in audit (idk but many people have told me this) that's why he actively talks about audit on his yt channel but not tax
8)he is not that good in tax , okk ok I am not a ca or tax expert then who am I to say this , jus compare it with good teachers like bb sir , vijender aggarwal or any and u will realise and many things my fellows talks about some points in sections which is exam oriented But this guys simply don't coves up those stuff
9) he teaches audit , sm , gst , income tax and acca and other couses also , yt channel and finance podcast , linkedin , insta and other engagements
I think he is more focused in his media presence and popularity , and for me he is the most famous ca fraternity
I think that's the reason why he is lacking in tax teaching, if u charging such a good fees literally then u should deliver upto a standard Or else stop teaching tax if u can't improve ur ways
I know many PPL will scoce good marks in tax even after talking classes from him , but that's their own hardwark they could have done better if provided with a good a good teacher