Cofi: Cringe, or coping mechanism?
I've had my suspicions for a while, but they have been further cemented by the release of the long-awaited Chee and Cofi's Flower Date video.
Throughout all we've seen of Cofi in front of others, we see her constantly self-deprecate and openly refer to herself as "cringe" or "just a little freak," as if she's embraced these negative terms as part of her identity. But when we see her alone with her own thoughts, we see several instances where she either questions or affirms the validity of her own interests.
Examples include her first interaction with Slushi, that short where she was questioning if she was genuinely LGBTQ if she wasn’t dating anyone (where Chikn read her mind), and a big one is this short right here:
This short reveals a lot about how Cofi thinks about herself. She thinks maybe she's "too weird" because people "just don't get her sometimes." In the end, though, she accepts that she is "different."
However, after first glance, I think all of this is a lot less wholesome. Going back to what I said in the title, I think that all of Cofi's behavior showcases something that I recognize in myself: a coping mechanism.
Due to whatever past Cofi has, she seems to have distanced herself from anyone and everyone in general by defining herself as "different." It comes as a welcome surprise when someone "gets her."
And that's another important thing. I think her way of (subconsciously or consciously) coping with being different from the rest of society is by openly displaying her interests, how "cringe" she is, and how much of a "freak" she is so that anyone she comes across will be able to see how she feels she really is. I suspect that she really does feel like how she called herself when she was first introduced: a lone wolf.
Cofi is not used to anyone sharing her interests and has embraced that. Every time someone does, it's notable enough for her to either think to herself or verbally say, "They get her."
Cofi resonates with me emotionally because I always try to show "my true self," my whole identity, so everyone I come across can see me for who I really am. I'm very transparent about everything I'm thinking, how I feel, and my interests. That way, if anyone won't accept me for that, then they don't need to bother with me. And, in the rare instance that someone does, I now have a friend who accepts me for who I am, "cringe" and all.
I built up all of this because of the screenshots I attached to this post.
My theory is that the Wolfsbane has symbolism. Not only is it in the name but Chee is also reminded of Cofi when she sees it. Cofi pulls her away because Wolfsbane, the flower she is likened to, is poisonous. I couldn't help but wonder if this means that Cofi believes that she herself is a poisonous individual who shouldn't be interacted with because she feels that others will be hurt if they do.
That's all I have for my rant, but here's one final note: Whatever insecurities either Cofi or Chee might have, I really hope that they'll both work it out together!
Thanks for reading the whole way through my monologue, and have a wonderful day.