What’s the point of Hell in infernalism even?
A punishment is meant to teach the difference between right and wrong and that wrong behavior can lead to punishment. This makes sense, if your son hits his brother with a toy hammer you take his hammer and explain why it’s wrong to do what he did.
But with Infernalism there’s no point. The punishment doesn’t really fit the crimes, I fail to see how stabbing someone with pitchforks and throwing them in lava teaches at all what right from wrong is.
And if the punishment never ends, even if they realize what they did was wrong, there’s no forgiveness for them. So continuing to punish them is just inhumane.
Why do infernalists genuinely believe God just dishes out infinite punishment that teaches nothing and does no good. Why wouldn’t an infinite and all-knowing God focus on redemption and corrective punishment rather than mindless, meaningless torture?