A helpless child longing for control?

Hi everyone, I just wanted to share some thoughts i had the last few days whilst being in the middle of pobably my worst episode of CSP in a long time. (Been dealing with it for 10y+)

  1. Loss of Control

CSP and control are in many ways connected. The most obvious connection is that we feel like we can't control ourselves while doing it and therefore feel a loss of control while / or after doing it. For me personally, the loss of control i feel afterwards when realizing what i just did is the worst and most panic inducing feeling ever.

  1. Gaining Control

On the other hand, the desire to be in control is what fuels the behaviour. My brain tells me, that i can 'remove' that bump/imperfection and therefore control what i look like/make sure i'm 'perfect' = have control over my body. My brain convinces me, that i can make that wound heal faster and improve its looks by messing with it ( like uhm bruh??are u fking insane?! ) Anyway - the point is, that i'm longing for control, maybe not even in relation to my body at all - but that longing for control projects to the attempt to control my skin.

Also: i think that i feel more in control when having open wounds than having anything else on my skin (pimple or whatever it may be) cause by now i know how to deal with the wounds, i'm used to them ( and not leaving them alone lol) and can make predictions about how long they will take to heal and what to put on them. So even though i know that whatever else would be on my face would also be way less noticeable and probably gone waaayyy sooner, i cant stand leaving it alone, cause i then feel like i'm losing control (which is wild).

  1. So?

Sooo after having these thoughts, i tried to understand what childhood trauma these feelings of need for control/helpleseness, faint/ loss of control came from (cause i've had it since i was a child) - not that i think its just one thing that triggered my CSP but i'm sure trauma plays a huge part in it.

And immediately, a traumatic experience from my childhood came up. It was one of my parents beating my brother and me watching it and screaming for them to stop it. I'm not gonna go into more detail here ..but i know i felt the same kind of helplessness and panic.

At this point of my thought process , i'm getting pretty angry. I am angry at my parents for putting me and my siblings through so much trauma and i think it is at least in part their fault that i'm struggling with my mental health today.

Will this help me stop with CSP? No, it wont. But u know, i think it might be helpful to take a step back and analyze what is fueling the behaviour on a more psychological level, to at least give yourself a bit more unterstanding - and therefore maybe a slight feeling of~ control~ back.

Im gonna end this post here though i have way more thoughts i'd wanna share.

I'm curious if anyone else has had thoughts like these too?