Petition to ban discussion of the so-called "foreskin absorption method"
I believe we, as an independent community of men, wives, bros, wive's bros, wives bro's bros, and online sex workers, need to maintain focus on the topic of maximizing our gains through ample use of creatine.
I have recently seen a number of comments regarding this "method", and I personally found them offensive and exclusionary. To say nothing of much-evident insensitivity towards the well-documented medical condition known as phantom limb syndrome.
After simply reflecting on my own emotional reaction to such commentary, I have come to the conclusion that this topic is far too controversial and divisive to be countenanced here.
I believe we will see conflict if we continue on this dangerous path. Fighting in the digital streets, so to speak. A virtual 1990's LA, a civil war, and maybe an outright schism, with men nailing bitchy notes on their wive's boyfriend's spare bedroom doors, much like Martin Luther of so long ago, and good people leaving the sub in droves like Jerry goddamn McGuire.
Make it stop