It isn't China, it is North india/Nepal!
I think whole "it is china" panic is only based on "China is a rice nation" stereotyp, for India rice isn't less important.
To prove my point that it is actually India let's look remind ourselfs the quote about "sea of grass". In second peacture you can clearly see grasslands around Ganges river. Next images shows photos of rice fields [photo N°3 actualy shows Nepla's rice fields, that from my perspective even more similar to the one shown by devs].
And as addition, I can't see dev adding whole another region to the game. You can say "ingolika, but what about china's players? There are plenty of people that can be monetized by paradox?", but India have many people too, and it is easier to sell game for them by adding flavor for their region, than making Giant part of the world that almost as big as whole europe. I just don't think it would be profitable.