The Asylum's The Beast Of Bray Road 2005 (With Extras)

Hey guys, it's been a minute. I'm here to bring you all something that I want to really get out there in the open so more people know about this movie. I saw this by coincidence back in 2006 on HBO and loved it. So I recently bought this on DVD that I'm pretty sure is Out Of Print and not really sold anywhere unless you are specifically looking for this on Ebay and I guess Amazon too. But this is The Beast Of Bray Road which on there says "Based On A True Story" I got all the extras and trailers on here for you guys to enjoy too!

The description of the film goes as follows...

Based on actual accounts of werewolf sightings in Walworth County, Wisconsin, the film follows a local sheriff who is finally forced to accept that a string of horrifying deaths is linked to a predator which possesses DNA of both man and wolf.

So here's what's on this.

The Beast Of Bray Road Movie

Making Of The Beast Of Bray Road

The Beast Of Bray Road
Legion Of The Dead
H.G Wells War Of The Worlds

Also, as far as my past stuff on here that people keep asking about, I had to delete a lot of it off of my Google Drive to make room for other stuff. I also get questions a lot about my That 70s Show Complete Series I had. I honestly lost that folder and the files with it when my hard drive crashed. And My VHS Saga stuff and Paranormal Activity stuff I still have but I had to make room. Unless someone can help me make torrents for the public, I wont be able to do anything about it until then. Enjoy!