As Russian, Americans now experience what life has been in Russian for the last decade
Okay, realistically, I am too young to properly remember anything about how life has been before 2020. But still I have some thoughts that I wanted to share.
I was lurking in American politics recently and founded a lot of similarities.
President who makes strange decisions, alienates his country from others, ruins its relationships with neighbors and the whole world, but still for some reason has massive support, clear dominance of the executive branch, full and unchecked power of the president, his supporters, that has a vast majority in all government bodies, lack of strong opposition, laws and executive orders that don’t make any sense but serve great as title in press, oligarchs and billionaires who affect politics to make even more money, clear as day but unbeaten corruption, spark in nationalism, bigotry, racism and hate, etc. etc. yada yada…
And this awful feeling of dread and helplessness, that feeling of being amongst last of sane ones in this madness, where people suddenly became so damn hateful and straightforward evil, this feeling of divide. All this while prices go up, and up, and up, and up, and up… And you just want to live a normal and sane life in normal and sane world.
You probably didn’t liked past month in the U. S. Imagine living like this almost all your life.
Well, at least you don’t get a shit ton of hatred pointed at you just because you were born in some particular country with some particular nationality (“All Russians should die or live in poverty for the end of their pathetic existence, Russian Federation should be dismantled and destroyed in nuclear fire” is pretty normal and highly supported take on Reddit and Internet, apparently. And don’t dare you try to oppose it, you what, a nazi?).
I wish luck and patience to you all. Hope you won’t get some kind of “Special Military Operation”. Stay strong and be kind. There’s too much hate and too less kindness in the world now.
P. S. Sorry for my English, it is clearly not my first language.
P. P. S. Well, someone will clearly say that I should’ve protested or in some way opposed everything that is happening now, and since I didn’t, I am actually a nazi and deserve to die too. Man, I just turned 18, what should’ve I done? I was born too late to see sane world and politics in 2000-2010s. I was born too early to be young enough to not understand what’s happening right now. I was born right in time to grow up through lockdown and a fucking war. Please, if you can, protest. In this way you at least tried to make a difference. Sorry for my rant.