Deluge & Digitakt
I can't think of a better community to ask this question: After using the Deluge, is there any point in adding a Digitakt to your setup? I'm in a position to finally get a Digitakt after what seems like a decade of wanting one, but I've already got a Deluge, and after getting that, the features of the OG Digitakt seem less... Remarkable than they once were. Probably a fact of the time that's gone by since its release, but I feel like the Deluge outshines the Digitakt in every way (except for the clicky switches). Does anyone own both devices, and if so, do you find any practical use for the Digitakt with a Deluge in your setup? Is there anything the Digitakt can do that the Deluge can't? Used models aren't exactly cheap (though, they're less expensive now that the Digitakt II's come out), so I'd hate to pick one up on a whim just because I've wanted one for so long and then realize I no longer have a use for one. Lemme know!