I hate how the blame is put on women, ALWAYS.
Women do something they want that isnt actually harming society or themselves? PROBLEM.
Men harrassing a statue because they think it's a real woman? NO ONE GIVES A FUCK OTHER THAN.. YOU GUESSED IT. WOMEN. I'm sick of having to keep fighting all the time. I only continue so you finally have a safe space in the world.
Everyone's worried about the body count of a woman, but a man could impregnate multiple woman and NOT take accountability and NO ONE GIVES A SINGLE FUCK.
Men are perverted? No, YOU NEED TO COVER UP. Which won't matter, because regardless of what you wear SHIT WILL HAPPEN.
People who wonder why there's a male loneliness epidemic are so ignorant because they aren't even curious to know what just willful ignorance.
"Not all men" but it seems like it's ALWAYS men.