If only one character is coming back this season instead of two like some people are predicting, who would be the most wasted character?
Diego would probably be wasted of not really having his own character except revolving around Spencer (i found him to be pretty flat) but at least he had some arc and story of sometimes you gotta rush through things in life and somethings won’t happen and we got a good amount of info during his exit interview. Diego is also a strong competitor, but also shows a strong heart who doesn’t wish to sabotage anyone’s game. Unlike Diego if he doesn’t return, Ted would actually really disappoint me the most if he doesn’t return. Maybe not a villain but he could possibly be an anti-hero i’d like to see return but sadly he said in his latest greeting that he wouldn’t really play the game differently which caused his blindside except for not relying on other kindness so much. That last part means he could still have potential, but with him not changing his game is pretty questionable. Even worse Ted didn’t really have a proper arc to end his character on a good note unlike Diego.