Of all the things these guys would do…forming a trade caravan was not the one I was expecting.
The party is planing to head south down the river to try and find an old abandoned library over the mountains, but they decided that they would buy a bunch of trade goods to sell to the Dwarven hold along the way.
This led to us spending half an hour while they collected their total finances and worked out the cost of a wagon, two mules, 20 sheep, ten chickens, 2 Ib of saffron, 56 square feet of cloth and a Ib of ginger and cloves I think.
And then I had to write up a stock exchange for later of what would sell for more in the mountains and what would sell for less, (food, animals and cloth would sell for more) while they then plotted to buy a bunch of ores and weapons for cheap up in the mountains so that when they came back they could sell it for even more profit.
This game is so chaotic.