Unexpected PMC headshot from 680m on Shoreline! [Screenshot]

I was on the top of the small lighthouse by the pier on Shoreline doing SBIH and saw a duo running past the gas station over to weather. I thought why not and gave it a try, missed almost every shots. After dumping two full mags, I gave up. But apparently, I got one of them. And I went up to check SBIH progress. It was a HEADSHOT, and it was also my longest kill at 680m!!!

I was on the top of the small lighthouse by the pier on Shoreline doing SBIH and saw a duo running past the gas station over to weather. I thought why not and gave it a try, missed almost every shots. After dumping two full mags, I gave up. But apparently, I got one of them. And I went up to check SBIH progress. It was a HEADSHOT, and it was also my longest kill at 680m!!!