Myomectomy, hysterectomy or nothing…

Hi everyone! So recently I’ve started having some sharp pain in my pelvic area that shots through my right hip abdomen leg and my lower back. The pain is always a dull ache, sometimes it’s severe. I had a CT scan and a transvaginal ultrasound done and they found some penduculated fibroids, the largest being 5.5 cm and a small mildly complex ovarian cyst. I waited two months for my consultation with a surgeon that the OBGYN referred me to. She said to mentally prepare myself for a hysterectomy. I had my appointment today and he said he truly doesn’t think the pain is my fibroids. He believes it’s an existing sciatica issue I have or possibly SI joint pain. He said that whatever I want to do is my choice, whether it’s a myomectomy, hysterectomy or nothing. He’ll do whatever I’d like but he is not sure it’ll help at all. I’m just stuck on what to do. He wants to talk again after my follow up ultrasound December 9th. I also made an appointment with a pain specialist. I feel like I shouldn’t just have a hysterectomy if it’s not suggested right? It’s a major surgery and I’m overweight so he warned me that it could turn abdominal. But I feel like I should at least get the myomectomy to rule out the fibroids? He also said he’d remove my tubes since I don’t want kids. I’m very conflicted. Any advice? Thank you all and sorry for the long post ❤️