ER visit on 12/24/24
On 12/24 about midnight I was admitted to ER for excessive menstrual bleeding with golf ball sized clots. ER doctor said it was probably just going to be meds to slow the bleeding & send me on my way because I was diagnosed in 12/2020 with a fibroid but then my blood work came back & my hemoglobin was 6.1 so he immediately ordered 2 units of blood & told me they would be admitting me. Over the course of the rest of the 24 & 25 I ended up need 2 more units of blood & the attending & GYN said I would be having the procedure to shrink it on the 26th which didn't happen because the surgeon came in & basically said that was an outpatient procedure so I need to follow up with someone when I get discharged. They gave my an iron infusion & sent me on my way. Thankfully I do feel a little better but truthfully I almost didn't go to the ER to begin with. Been working on trying to get in to see someone but it's been interesting with the holiday. Btw they said my uterus was the size equivalent to a 20 week pregnancy but wasn't able to get MRI or CT.
Has anyone else ever needed a blood transfusion because of fibroids?
Have u had the fibroid surgery to shirk? Heard it can go extremely well or horribly wrong needing emergency hysterectomy.
Please tell me your stories!