Finally Finished
It was pretty good but I think it was very much oversold to me. It kind of reminds me of ATLA with people praising it as the best cartoon ever and while it's good it's not the best imo. Certain things stop me from saying its the greatest just like with this show.
I truly did enjoy it a lot though. I think the parts on Netflix are a little off, the time skip confused the hell out of me. Also the openings would change at like part 4 episode 10 instead of part 5 episode 1. I didn't get it.
I miss short Ed truthfully. I screamed when I saw how tall he got and he got even taller in the end. Was not expecting it.
Also their dad died like ten minutes after everything they shoulda just used him to get Al's body back but I get why they didn't.
Winrey and Ed haha they're so funny.
Roy and Hawkeye are a thing or will be I'm also certain of it. Why did the human transmuation work even if he didn't do it willingly that's kind of shitty.
Dwarf in a flask what was his origin it just showed up one day or. Ending felt a bit lackluster but I fear it my own personal biasses as I started watching anime with much more violent premise so it's what I expected and didn't get.
Burning question: Was Ling always that big/tall or did Greed make him more adult and then time skip happened. Please this has been bothering me.