Just About to Start Learning Cursive, at 49yo
As the title says, I am 49 and just about to attempt to learn cursive writing. I can’t even remember having to learn it a school, but it’s so long ago, I may be wrong.
I have spent all of my adult life writing in upper case, so have recently taken to printing in upper and lower case, to try and make the change as smooth as possible. And only yesterday, I have started writing with a slant, to further transition towards cursive. I just need to slow down my pen strokes now.
It may sound like a stupid question (probably because it is), but do you see any problems from going from how I write now, to cursive?
Thank you for your time.
As the title says, I am 49 and just about to attempt to learn cursive writing. I can’t even remember having to learn it a school, but it’s so long ago, I may be wrong.
I have spent all of my adult life writing in upper case, so have recently taken to printing in upper and lower case, to try and make the change as smooth as possible. And only yesterday, I have started writing with a slant, to further transition towards cursive. I just need to slow down my pen strokes now.
It may sound like a stupid question (probably because it is), but do you see any problems from going from how I write now, to cursive?
Thank you for your time.