Am I letting google make me paranoid?

So I am a nanny and usually around children who are sick. I got a really bad fever the first day I had terrible body aches then it got better over time. But this sore throat has not went anywhere I mean I’ve had it for weeks now! I go on google and they tell me it could be a sign of herpes and I’m like what the hell? I am sexually active but I use condoms and on birth control and never really kiss boys. Anyway this google search sent me down a loophole of all types of stds. I’ve never had a cold sore,flare ups near my lips,no burning while I pee. I have had Chlamydia and a uti before so I know what that type of pain feels like which is nothing nice….The sore throat is literally killing me like waking me up out of my sleep pain I also noticed my mouth is more watery I stay spitting. Then google told me herpes can live in your bodies for years which put me in full panic mode….like am I tripping or is google fwm