''i wish i could still play sims 1/2''
i feel like i saw this sentiment everywhere the past couple years. someone would post 'DAE REMEMBER THE COW MASCOT SIMMED 2?! SO CRAZY xDD' and the comments would be flooded with people getting nostalgic and saying they wish they could play it again, but they cant because (it cant be purchased legally, they have windows 360, theyre bald, other infinitely nuanced answer etc)
and then legacy came out and these people just... kinda seemed to fade out. it seems like it became a brief fad to play these games then go haha lol how quirky. anyway back to the real game, sims 4. or even to come on sims 2 subreddits and talk about how ugly and glitchy it is and how itll never beat sims 4.
disregarding the fact that you could always play sims 2 and it was just a few button clicks away, does this sentiment and the lack of followup drive anyone else insane?