Do many pro Palestinian people who want peace have non negotiables demands & requests like full right of return and others that Israel cannot fulfill?

It seems to me that many who are Pro Palestine do not want peace or a two state solution and many want the destruction of the state of Israel and many want all the land to be Palestine.

The ones that do want peace it seems they have a lot of unreasonable demands and requests that are non negotiable such as Israeli withdraw from the golan heights and south lebanon, full muslim control of east jerusalem, full muslim control of all holy sites, full muslim control of temple mount, full right of return, the creation of a palestinian state without deradicalizing the anti israel sentiment and many want israel to be like we lay down our arms and we shall fight no more.

It seems many of these non negotiables are unreasonable and undoable for several reasons. Israel cannot withdraw from South Lebanon of the Golan heights for security reasons as those places can be used to attack israel if in control by anti israeli forces. Israel cannot give up Jerusalem as that is sacred to Judaism and the jewish people and also for security reasons .

Also we hear anti semitic myths like how israel wants to destroy Al Aqsa mosque but that simply is not true at all as israel has the technology and military power so if Israel actually wanted to destroy Al Aqsa they could have yet they did not nor do they want to as Israel has respected the status quo and Israel allowed it to still stand and be run by the Jordanians. Also how is Israel committing a genocide of Palestinians when the Palestinian birth rate has actually been increasing ever since the creation of Israel and like I said Israel has the technology and better military and if a genocide was or did happen it already would have yet it didnt happen whatsoever and in fact israel is fighting a defensive war for it survival against neighbors who seek it destruction.

A full right of return is not only impossible but also unfair. Jews ever since the inception of Islam were treated as second class citizens as dhimmi in islamic countries. Jews often faced with massacres in Muslim countries and were expelled many times from muslim countries and yet we dont mentioned the Jewish nakba because of antisemitism and people trying to change the narrative of the jewish victim being the big bad bully who steals land when in reality that is projection as the Jews never once did anything like that.

The nakba started because once the state of Israel was declared, Arabs in the region refused to even accept the state or work with it and started to commit violence against jews who migrated to the region and many who migrated to the region had no where else to go to after ww2 and that is the reason the holocuast happened as Hitler originally did not want to kill the Jews he wanted to forcibly deport them to other countries to cleanse germany of Jews yet no other country wanted to accept the Jews. Jews who lived in the region for centuries like the old yishuv also were targeted by arabs.

The nakba started because the invading arab armies who came said to the palestinians leave your homes as we do no want to accidently confuse you for israelis and kill you by mistake and after we destroy israel you can come back to the land. Yet as we all know that did not happen. Why are we acting like the palestinians are the completely innocent victims here as many that became refugees in the nakba originally wanted to commmit violence against the israelis and later cry we are the victim now because we were a hostile population that wanted to hurt israel and deport or mass kill israelis yet israelis won so now we are the victims. Um actually being the aggressor and starting violence and losing is not a genocide that is the victim rightfully defending itself from unwarranted aggression which israel had every right to do. If a nakba happened why dont we protest all the jewish refugees who were violently kicked out of the arab countries like iraq in the farhud or yemen due to antisemitism. Also Israel has no obligation to let these hostile people back to israel as those people started the violence and now cry because they couldnt win and Israel if it respect democracy and western civilization if they just allow all of the palestinians refugees come back and that could make the situation dangerous as the Palestinians would just become the majority and vote in favor of policies against israeli jews.

Many say a two state solution but Palestine was given a two state solution already like five separate times and Palestinians could have have already had their state and wouldnt be suffering. And many who advocate for it arent suggesting ways to deradicalize Palestinians which lead to these problems. Any palestinian future requires that palestinians accept peace and not want to destroy israel.

Many also want israel to either stop existing or for it to exist but be in a situation where it simply cannot protect or defend itself against its neighbors. Israel has every right to exist and it existence isnt controversial. Why should it be. If Israel doesnt have a right to exist why arent we protesting about the existance of say pakistan which was carved up from afghan and indian lands yet we dont see protests from american college students saying muh pakistan stole land from inida or pakistan stole land from afghans. How can Israel be a colonizing state. If anything israel is anti colonialist as it is just jews returning to their indigenous land. The majority of Jews in israel are Mizrahim or middle eastern jews who were kicked out from arab countries and the Ashkenazi jews there are not a majority and they suffered brutal antisemitism in europe and ashkenazi jews are jews like any other and they just look white because they have like 40% roman dna from roman women who converted and married into the jewish population back when the roman empire was still a thing. The holocuast started because the jews really had no where else to go to and most countries hated jews and did not want to take in more or them. Israel has every right to exist and safeguard the existance of the jewish people. Also how the hell is an egyptian migrant who migrated to palestine in the 1930s to do work in the british manadate and still carry obvious non native names like masri meaning egyptian considered indigenous while a sefardic jews from spain or a lebanese jews who migrated back to israel their native land in the 1920s considered a colonizer?

So because religion is intertwined into this conflict from the islamic perspective jews and the jews are a cursed people as the quran says that and the quran says that the Jews will be fought at the end time by the righteous Muslims. They also believe any land once ruled by muslims is islamic land forever and any attempt by a non muslim entity to rule the land is not legitimate. So unless the Abrahamic God manifests into physical form like the virgin mary of Guadelope in mexico and clearly and unambiguously tell all of us right now which faith is the one true faith unless God does that which is unlikely we cannot disprove islam and since we cant disprove islam many will hold on to islamic beliefs. Therefore the Palestinian individuals who are extremist muslims like hamas who practice islam to the letter unless god physically manifest into physical apparition and say hi hamas so islam is not real and jews deserved land and jews can rebuild the second temple yeah unless that happens hamas will still believe what they believe and will continue to harm israel and will want to do more october 7ths again and again which cannot happen ever again.

Therefore Israel has every right to exist and protect and safeguard the Jewish people and Jewish nation.

Even if israel was committing war crimes which it isnt or if hypothetically form the getco it did eveyrthing perfectly to appease everyone that probably wouldnt have done much as antisemitism mean people wouldnt have accepted Israel even if it so called "war crimes" or "crimes" didnt happen as many still hate Israel do do antisemitism and nothing will change that.

So no Israel is no the aggressor and Israel has done everything from the start to seek out peace and Israel actions are to defend the Jewish nation from destruction. So it is the responsibility of the Arab and Muslim world and the Palestinians to seek peace and accept Israel existance and to accept Israeli control over Jerusalem and to accept Israeli sovereignty.