To The Power Tripping Staff/Volunteers of Katsucon:

So yall gonna pull that assholish shit at work,school, and in the streets today or do you only pull that power tripping asshole shit to nerds who you KNOW tend to not be as confrontation and aggressive compared to normies and street dudes given many anime nerds are introverted and don't like fighting.

Cuz I noticed that some of these staff doing WEREN'T doing that power tripping shit to the (curious) normies/regular folks who were staying at the resort and any con attendees who appear normie adjacent (what? scared that you might get put hands and feet on you by the right one who isnt scared of jail or being removed from an event? Cuz not everyone is scared of jail or not being able to return to an event. And god forbid you had offended a Karen...)

Trust me, everyone: they know who to pull that shit on and who not to. All it take is one person to call their crazy ass cousin/uncle/brother/dad to an event because some staff at said event was being disrespectful towards them (I've sent this first hand at clubs, bars, in the streets, and other non-nerd events).

Take that as you will...

P.S./EDit: This also goes out to any asshole nerds who were being rude and disrespectful to attendees (especially those being cruel and rude to the ones to those with disabilities) cuz you fucking dorks ain't gonna pull that nonsense yall did at the con in real life to regular folks.