Power creep makes this manga feel like Diet DragonBall Z

Been going on for a while but MAN i hate how power crept Kengan has become.

In Ashura, Kuroki was undoubtedly number 1 but it still felt like he could be beat. Moments had him sweating, characters had tricks up their sleeve, it was intriguing.

Now? Boring as fuck. Edward wasn't beating the breaks off of Raian, Erich, and That other guy because of technique but because his Guihun was somehow better.

Does Willhelm know any deadly techniques? Nope. He just has SS and fucking 100% Guihun on top of that somehow and gets neg-diffed by Raian. Can't make that a close fight, no sir-ee.

It now feels like everything is vague power levels instead of tactics or individual strengths. If Ohma moved his elbow a tiny bit then he's hitting harder than Toa could ever dream of. Because he does random squats he has better grappling than everyone.

Shen straight up might be the worst addition to Kengan because he has lacking motivations, robs the Worm plot line of any threat, and then introduces such a steep power ceiling that Kengan becomes dietball z even more.

And hell he didn't start it!

Fei felt like he did with every attack being "Oh i go limp" and then his dumbass super-duper-uber transformation making him able to send Waka flying.

I hate it because it feels like Kengan is losing its identity in favor of being Baki 2.0

Been going on for a while but MAN i hate how power crept Kengan has become.

In Ashura, Kuroki was undoubtedly number 1 but it still felt like he could be beat. Moments had him sweating, characters had tricks up their sleeve, it was intriguing.

Now? Boring as fuck. Edward wasn't beating the breaks off of Raian, Erich, and That other guy because of technique but because his Guihun was somehow better.

Does Willhelm know any deadly techniques? Nope. He just has SS and fucking 100% Guihun on top of that somehow and gets neg-diffed by Raian. Can't make that a close fight, no sir-ee.

It now feels like everything is vague power levels instead of tactics or individual strengths. If Ohma moved his elbow a tiny bit then he's hitting harder than Toa could ever dream of. Because he does random squats he has better grappling than everyone.

Shen straight up might be the worst addition to Kengan because he has lacking motivations, robs the Worm plot line of any threat, and then introduces such a steep power ceiling that Kengan becomes dietball z even more.

And hell he didn't start it!

Fei felt like he did with every attack being "Oh i go limp" and then his dumbass super-duper-uber transformation making him able to send Waka flying.

I hate it because it feels like Kengan is losing its identity in favor of being Baki 2.0