Are Influencers Going To Hurt The Franchise?

Does anyone want to hear from Influencers opinions and interpretations about Soul Reaver?

I honestly do like shows like GameTheory but I am not sure I want to hear so many perspectives about Soul Reaver. Half the fun the past 20 years was trying to figure out everything! Having it told to me through a 1 sided parasocial relationship in video form is not something I look forward to. I like having the discussions and theorizing about it with other people. Or working on my own to see what I can come up with on my own. In this way it led to many fanfictions and fan theories that seem to fit very well. And the upcoming comic The Dead Shall Rise seems to take this part of the fandom and propels it to cannon. Which is nice, I think it does the cannon good by taking people who have been dedicated to it for 20 or so years to make a new story. We have done more research on our own than professional filmmakers who made the Halo series on Paramount+

And I GameTheory has done a great job I think in preserving this part of fandoms by making a subreddit where anyone can come and make their own theories about stuff. But it is quite populated so many voices have to compete and most get drowned out. That's just the nature of a highly populated and active user base though so it's not bad as far as popularity goes.

I don't know, I guess I am just not ready for what comes next in the fandom. Part of me really likes having interests in a niche thing that not many people know about. But I also want it to do well and be cool and accepted by many. So I am torn between myself.