Really bad times for Europe

Every day I'm afraid for the future of my continent: the war here is getting worse and worse, we don't know if it will end or continue and make our quality of life even worse, we don't know if the famous Russian dictator will invade another country, we don't know if people will starve.

I was on the metro and I was next to a Ukrainian woman with her daughter, the girl was happy and smiling but I can't imagine what her friends who stayed there are going through.

Every day I see my father talking to my grandmother on a video call and all he says is that everything is going to get worse.

My desire to live in the future is zero, things are only getting worse and I have no motivation to see how this is going to end for us Europeans.

People can't have children and those who can don't have the motivation and good hope to have them, which will cause another major crisis in a few decades' time because without young people Europe won't have any global economic power (It's increasingly rare to see people with more than one child, some people even talk about going to villages (in Italy, for example) and not seeing a single child.)

Industry is ruined, one of our most important countries (Germany) is in economic crisis, the UK is also in a very bad way (I read a story about a British father who said he couldn't buy presents for his daughter because the energy bill had quadrupled, and there's nothing that makes me sadder than seeing a child not being able to be happy like I was).

But worse, children are losing their childhood in Ukraine, which for me is the worst thing there is (if there's any way to forget about this, let me know because I've read a lot of stories about these children and I've come to regret it).

People can't buy houses and the prices of products are sending people into poverty, in my country public hospitals and public services don't work.

Nobody here in Europe is thinking “tomorrow will be better” or “there will be good times”, scary.

Very bad years for us Europeans, I just pray to God that someday at least there will be peace and some prosperity.

And if you're a European parent and you can't give your children a desirable childhood for economic reasons, I hope that your children will one day be able to have that gift or that thing that you want to give them so much but can't. I hope that your children will be able to have that gift.

If I could talk to Europeans in 2015, who were recovering from the 2008 crisis, and say to them: "In 10 years' time you'll be dreading your electricity bills, you'll be wondering every day if you're going to the battlefield, you'll be unable to sleep from anxiety", probably no one would believe me.