parasympathetic vs sympathetic
never thought id have a problem with this till now. i always thought that the sympathetic nervous system has to do with vasoconstriction bc you would have a higher BP, vs parasympathetic nervous system has to do with vasodilation bc you have a lower BP. i'm doing this q and it seems like it's contradicting itself:
apparently, and according to JW, sympathetic nervous system causes vasodilation. according to the section bank excel, it causes vasoconstriction.
now i need to know: is this different because they're referencing different organs? like i can see how the vessels going to the muscles would vasodilate bc the idea is to pool the blood there so you can mobilize energy by getting glucose, epinephrine, etc. but now if im looking at the heart, would that be vasoconstriction because i need to push blood out to even get there to begin with? is that why i'm saying there's a higher BP? how would this work in conjunction with the brain?
last but not least: whats the general consensus: is the sympathetic nervous system increasing BP and vasoconstricting or vasodilating and lowering BP?