How to forge your Artian weapon
If you already understand the full Artian weapon system, this post isn't for you. There have been several post about this, and a lot of people are coming here to find out. I'm on bowgun so i use that as an example alot, but this is hopefully pretty generally true. So here is my strat:
Attack vs Affinity
You need to know what your build will be. Your goal is to maximize affinity up to 100% but not over, or just skip it entirely. The base skills most endgame armor works around are Agitator and WEx, which combine for 65% on wounds and 45% on weakspots. If that is your only affinity, taking a 30% affinity weapon would make sense, as long as you have crit boost gems to supplement the attack you are giving up.
If you are running a weapon that can take Maximum Might, then you have affinity in the 75%-95% range. For you, 10%-15% affinity is enough and you want the rest to be attack. If your on the bowgun, can take your affinity over 100% and can easily be targeting weakpoints the whole time, you may want to have a 5%-10% affinity weapon.
If you aren't running these skills or don't use crit element for your element build, then just go with raw damage for all three parts.
Status vs Element vs Raw
This is highly build dependent obviously, but, a good RAW weapon is a good starting point to grind out the specific elements you need, so I would start there. Status attacks on the Artian system do not appear to come with a downside for most of the weapons, so getting a Paralyze version of your weapon is almost always going to be just as strong as the RAW version, so if you have the pieces, consider starting there. Side note, always have your palico with a paralyze weapon also.
Once you have a work horse, be aware that for some weapons, getting a status version will give you access to elemental attacks as well. I may practice a few on my low level parts just to see what my particular weapon offers for 3x sleep parts, for instance. I was surprised to learn that 3x Dragon elemental parts get you a bowgun with access to Fire ammo, for instance.
For elementals, you generally want all 3 to be a single element. You can get by with 2, but you will do less elemental dmg per hit, which isn't optimal for those builds.
If you don't know where to start, just pick three that don't match and make a RAW damage weapon, or pick 3 paralyze parts that match the affinity vs attack that you want for your build.
Every Artian gets up to 5 rolls on upgrades. Each cost you 10 oracalcite, so you'll need 50 oracalcite to fully level Artian weapon. If you dismantle them, you get this back. Each weapon type has different options and caps. Bowgun can roll a maximum of 2 separate capacity boosts, so for us, getting 0 or 1 capacity boost is a bad roll. For most weapons, attack boost can be up to all 5, so everyone is always looking for the magic 5x attack boost. Its random and rare. Affinity and Sharpness are also common boosts, but again, check your caps, I believe many boosts are capped at 2 or 3.
So whats a "good" Artian?
You want the correct parts to get the right Attack vs Affinity base set up for your weapon to start with. You want the correct types of parts to get the RAW, Status or Element version of the weapon that you want. And then when you reinforce the weapon, you want at least 3 out of the 5 rolls to be correct. Me personally, I throw away any Artian that isn't 4 out of 5 perfect rolls. If you get the magic 5 out of 5, congrats you're done Artian griding that particular weapon.
If you want to post the particulars of your weapon in the chat I will link to your comments here in the main so we can get a good list of weapon specific Artian tips.