it’s been a little over two months since i started my job at my local theater and i gotta say..
i am absolutely damn GOBSMACKED, by the messes ive seen. and i know these aren’t even that bad compared to some of the messes ive seen yall post in larger theaters, i pray for some of yall! but i just also can’t believe how this happens? some popcorn here and there, yeah sure it happens, but when the spill takes up the whole aisle, and it spans multiple seats, im just not sure how whoever was eating it could let it get that bad??!! and we literally have three MASSIVE trash cans outside every theater we have, and yet there will ALWAYS be boxes and wrappers left at seats.. just the laziness and entitlement, ive never worked a job where im exposed to it at this level, its horrifying yet fascinating to witness, cant wait to get desensitized to it even more🤩