Teen still growing on E

Hi all

Just asking in case others in their teens have experienced this. My 16 yo daughter started E at 15.5 yo after being on blockers for 18 months. I had read that E helps to close the growth plates and others here have reported even height decreasing. My daughter though is growing at an accelerated rate since starting E (6 cm in 12 months and still growing). She has now just hit 6ft and the rate doesn't appear to be slowing down. She is getting more dysphoric about her height but her endo says she is already on an appropriate adult dose as he accelerated her increase faster than normal to try and contain her growing (last lab 450 pmol/L for E and 0.84 nmol/L). She is doing well on her dosage and has had pleasing effects in that she seems to pass well enough when we are out as her hip bone seems to have also grown in a more female way with her height but she and we are worried about her height and would like to contain it as much as we can. I'm reluctant to go against the endo's advice and increase her dose ourselves by a little (she is on patches) but I also know he doesn't want her to go on a higher dose. Our only other option is to let nature take it's course but as parents we are concerned about her height and the attention it may draw. Would you advise to stick with the endo here.