Is it NoFap or NoDope?

Our porn addiction is a dopamine addiction, so don’t we need to quit anything that is giving us a cheap dopamine response?

We need to remove our reliance on the drug in order to quit porn permanently. 30-120 days are needed to reset your dopamine receptors. Im limiting my social media, gaming, and TV intake for 30 days while I’m quitting porn. I’m not drinking at all during those 30 days too. I’m going to see how this goes.

Our porn addiction is a dopamine addiction, so don’t we need to quit anything that is giving us a cheap dopamine response?

We need to remove our reliance on the drug in order to quit porn permanently. 30-120 days are needed to reset your dopamine receptors. Im limiting my social media, gaming, and TV intake for 30 days while I’m quitting porn. I’m not drinking at all during those 30 days too. I’m going to see how this goes.