Message to Dr

Has anyone gone onto Vyvanse after Phentermine? My PCP will only perscribe Phentermine for 3 months. I'm thinking of sending her this message, what do you think?

"Hello! I am currently on the phentermine but only have about 2 weeks left (only can be on it for 3 months).

Although my weight loss has slowed down a little, the medication has truly helped with my eating habits. My problem has always been I crave something and then I binge eat a ton of it, which then makes me eat more & more and can't stop. The wegovy helped with that, but this medicine REALLY helped with it, like in a much different way, it's tough to explain!

So I was trying to do some more research for an alternative medicine to try since I can't be on the phentermine anymore and I was reading about a medicine called vyvanse. It's fda approved for binge eating disorder, which I gaurentee I have! I know it's not a weight loss medication, which is totally fine as I have lost quite a bit and will continue to work on it with working out and eating good. But I think if I still had medication in me to help with the binge eating episodes, it would help greatly.

Let me know your thoughts on maybe giving vyanse a try! Or if you have any other ideas!

Signed a 160lb girl that desperately does not want to get back into bad binge habits and never get to 300lb again LOL"