How CRBN TruFoam hits me

Ok, so I've got marketed by CRBN Dwell time on TruFoam. And it is real.

I've being playing for 8 months now, had a 8yr background from tennis, and as a gearhead guy, I've tried every paddle I could, including MOD-TA, 3s, Ruby, TKO-C, Roadrunner, 007, and some friends paddles but for shorter periods. The true stick that I had was the 3s, and the MOD was sold with 1 month playing since it already felt ilegal back when it launched.

So, in a big journey for something that didn't crack after 3 weeks playing (3s that I had to replace 3 times), CRBN BombMarketed me with the Dwell time, and for tennis, core spin seems way more attractive than paddle face spin, since it will be generated over time and when your grit fades, you'll still have it.

So I bought one.

2 Days playing with it feedback:

It is not the best paddle in the market, and it is not the worst. I'll start with the Cons:

- A little head heavy, I've added a bit of tungsten tape under the grip, and a hesacore since I like to all my paddles playing the same.

- Sweet spot (I've got TFG1 Shape) is not perfect but it isn't that bad, I've added a few strips of 0.5g/inch on clock positions 4 and 8, looks way more balanced for my style of play.

- Twist weight: Same thing as the sweet spot, not perfect, not bad. Lead tape was enough to fix for my style of play. Seems way more stable, and it already wasn't bad.

Ok, now I'll go for the Pros:

- Pop, this thing wasn't marketed as a pop paddle, it is supposed to be a lower power one, but the pop on counters and dinking aggressive battles that I could generate were impressive for what it was built for. On my POV, more than enough. You can generate Power with this guy.

- Power: Completely controllable. Not absurd, not bad. CRBN really made some nice tunning here, since it is not a MOD, not even a 3s Perseus, It's one degree below them, but still very very usefull.

- Dwell time: This is where the paddle sticks to me. I came from tennis, and on sound, feeling of paddle feedback, was the closer I've tested (I didn't test many paddles but I did a few) from a tennis racquet. No, it is not the same, but on our micro pickleball world, it is kinda impressive for me.

- Dinks: Enough, more than enough pop control, I still need a little bit more time to get used since I've just switched to the paddle, but aggressive spin dinks are on the way.

So, after all, I believe I found a paddle to stick longer than the 3s' I've had but had to replace every 3w (and then wait on 2w to solve the issue). This one looks really, really promissing.

Than you ask: Would you recommend it?

Yes. If you want major power, nah, go for other crazy paddles, but for an all court with tennis bg? This is a nice fitting one.