Bandit Money Making (~$700k per hour) Guide & learnings from 150 loops

I have run the Bandit sisters loop in the Obsidian Fieldlands 150 times (and more in the other areas) and this is what I have found:

  • I was able to complete 35 loops in an hour (including battling the bandits), so it takes about 1m 42s on average to complete a loop
  • If you don't encounter any bandits, a loop takes about 1 minute
  • In the hour I timed myself, I had 14 encounters with the bandits, which meant I received 70 Nuggets = $700k

How To:

  • Begin from the Heights Camp and fly to inspect each of the 3 locations in order.

General area spawn locations

  • Note that while each of the 3 sisters has a general area they will spawn in, they each have 4 different positions they can spawn in within that area.
  • Head north to check for Coin. She can spawn in these 4 spots (look out for the torches she will be standing near)

Coin Spawn Location 1 & 2

Coin Spawn Location 3 & 4

  • Head back up along the path to check for Charm. She can spawn in one of 4 places. The first is up on the hill, and the other 3 are in the alcove, next to the path and next to the rock, respectively.

Charm Spawn Location 1

Charm Spawn Location 2, 3 & 4

  • Finally continue along the path until you reach the Clover spawn area. She will again spawn in one of 4 spots

Clover Spawn Location 1, 2, 3 & 4

  • If you find a Bandit along the loop, battle them for the Nugget rewards.
  • Once you have completed the loop, head back to Jubilife Village and then return to the Obsidian Fieldlands Heights Camp to start again.
  • Repeat for $$$
  • Here's a quick example of the loop I take, starting from the Heights Camp:

Other Learnings:

  • Sometimes zero bandits will spawn, sometimes multiple (or all 3) can spawn
  • At least one bandit spawned in 34% of my runs, so we probably have about a one in 3 chance of having at least one spawn
  • The spawn rates for me were: Coin (12%), Charm (17%) and Clover (10%). No significant differences here though.
  • This method is best done in the post-game, where they will drop 4 - 5 nuggets each battle (they drop stardust before post-game)
  • Each sister will begin to CONSISTENTLY drop 5 nuggets once you beat her a certain number of times. I hadn't started counting from the beginning, but it seemed to be after around 10 defeats (per sister)
  • After these ~10 defeats, their pokemon will go from levels 62-63 to 64-65
  • Outbreaks in the area have no effect on the bandit's spawns
  • Weather also seems to have no effect on spawn rates