Who I think you ship based on your favourite character

Who I think you ship with your favourite character! Please remember this obviously doesn't go for everyone, this is just based on my experience of interacting with the fandom for the past 4 years and observing which fans tend to ship what, so this is just a general observation and a lot of guesses! Don't take it too seriously

Ichika: ichisaki and ichishiho

Saki: shihosaki, you love opposites attract

Honami: honakana for sure

Shiho: shihona mainly but you probably also like minoshiho and kohashiho

Minori: minoharu, but you ship minori with literally everyone because she's so shippable

Haruka: shizuharu, you probably like shipping her with similarly mature characters

Airi: minoai and maybe shizuai

Shizuku: shizuai, shizukasa and shizumafu

Kohane: anhane, minokoha

An: anhane, only anhane. You might like other An ships too but you probably don't care about them as much as anhane, and you probably dislike akian

Akito: akitouya, akian, akikoha, and you probably like them all around equally

Touya: akitouya, maybe touyarui or antouya too (I don't meet antouya fans often but whenever I do they're always touya fans so)

Tsukasa: Everyone. Literally everyone. Maybe even with npcs like asahi and sakurako. You'll eat up any tsukasa ship ever.

Emu: emukasa. 100%. You probably like emurui, mafuemu and honaemu too but emukasa is probably your favourite

Nene: emunene, ichinene. You either love or hate nenekasa, no in-between

Rui: ruikasa. Definitely ruikasa. Only other ship you might like is maybe asahixrui or touyarui, you probably don't like hetrui ships

Kanade: honakana and ichikana, you prefer her with similarly quiet characters but wouldn't mind shipping her with louder ones occasionally

Mafuyu: kanamafu. You either love or hate mafuena, but you probably don't like it

Ena: mafuena and mizuena. Maybe airiena too

Mizuki: mizuena and mizurui

Who I think you ship with your favourite character! Please remember this obviously doesn't go for everyone, this is just based on my experience of interacting with the fandom for the past 4 years and observing which fans tend to ship what, so this is just a general observation and a lot of guesses! Don't take it too seriously

Ichika: ichisaki and ichishiho

Saki: shihosaki, you love opposites attract

Honami: honakana for sure

Shiho: shihona mainly but you probably also like minoshiho and kohashiho

Minori: minoharu, but you ship minori with literally everyone because she's so shippable

Haruka: shizuharu, you probably like shipping her with similarly mature characters

Airi: minoai and maybe shizuai

Shizuku: shizuai, shizukasa and shizumafu

Kohane: anhane, minokoha

An: anhane, only anhane. You might like other An ships too but you probably don't care about them as much as anhane, and you probably dislike akian

Akito: akitouya, akian, akikoha, and you probably like them all around equally

Touya: akitouya, maybe touyarui or antouya too (I don't meet antouya fans often but whenever I do they're always touya fans so)

Tsukasa: Everyone. Literally everyone. Maybe even with npcs like asahi and sakurako. You'll eat up any tsukasa ship ever.

Emu: emukasa. 100%. You probably like emurui, mafuemu and honaemu too but emukasa is probably your favourite

Nene: emunene, ichinene. You either love or hate nenekasa, no in-between

Rui: ruikasa. Definitely ruikasa. Only other ship you might like is maybe asahixrui or touyarui, you probably don't like hetrui ships

Kanade: honakana and ichikana, you prefer her with similarly quiet characters but wouldn't mind shipping her with louder ones occasionally

Mafuyu: kanamafu. You either love or hate mafuena, but you probably don't like it

Ena: mafuena and mizuena. Maybe airiena too

Mizuki: mizuena and mizurui