Anyone rooting for Caveira rework in 2025?
The operator had long been outdated since mid 2019s.
I do get it that her whole existence revolves around how dumb your enemies are, but then why wouldn't I or any player who understands the game a bit more, will play kapkan instead?
She has 4 major issues and even in low ranks, 90% of players pick vigil, oryx or alibi instead of her.
1. Her Abilities
She can walk quieter, This did make sense and was very strong ability before deimos, nomad, gridlock existed and before claymore were buffed to 2 and shorter detonation timer. There is just TOO many kits to negate her completely.
She can counter jackal but jackal still gets first ping on her if he scans her footstep and reveals to whole team her general position. IMO, walking silently doesn't serve purpose anymore in the game, Players even in silver/gold lobbies do rather decent flank watch by bringing certain attackers or claymores.
Coming to her interrogation, It's just not it. Frost was reworked because developers didn't like the binary nature (You either down and get a kill, or your traps are shut down) and they made it more flexible in nature. You get in frost, you can come out. Interrogation is very binary in nature and you put yourself at risk just to get wallhacks for 10 seconds. Now, how would i be able to get this when there's so many intel operators in the game? Why wouldn't i want to bring a roamer that counters lion and deimos scan? Why wouldn't i rather bring kapkan and roam with him? I get a decent weapon, a C4 and traps to get some damage done? There's just too many other more efficient gadgets to put and roam with than an interrogation.
2. Her Loadout
Her SMG is the WORST in the game. Her pistol has worst recoil out of all. (not counting kaid's scope pistol) She has spas15 which is sole best part of her kit (pathetically). She has decent options for her secondary gadgets but there's not alot of room to play with them anyways, if she gets C4 then too it wouldn't make alot of difference, The drone view blockers dont make alot of sense since she's deep roaming and those blockers are best used around chokepoints which caveira rarely plays around (usually with shotgun)
3. Toxic Playstyle
You are being forced to roam in an unhealthy manner with this operator, 99% of players will go in deep roam. Assuming there's no intel operator (deimos/Dokkaebi/Lion), you will wait for attackers to get in, they place their claymores you come up/down stairs and break claymores and hope they have their backs facing you. You either get killed instantly or pull of interrogation or multiple kills.
Now Let's look at Solis, You are in same said deep roam in inital phase of round, you can use your gadget to track what's going on. Where drones are running around the map, you can shoot them through floors/walls with suppressed secondary (Assuming P90+smg11). The round's at it's last phase where attackers execute, NOW you have choice to flank or choice to use your gadget impactfully and win the round through vertical play!
IMO, Caveira is promoting a very toxic roam playstyle for new players and not-so-good players (Bronze-Mid gold) that will keep them stuck in that rank if they dont decide to learn the game. It also gets boring pretty fast because you are relying alot on luck and raw aim than viable tactics.
Above gold ranks, she is just a troll pick.
4. Outdated Concept
She was developed during the phase of game when most of players had no idea how to actually play the game. Developers weren't making healthy operators and caveira was one of them. There's not a single year 1+year 2 operator who werent reworked in grand scheme of things. Caveira has only received nerfs on her pistol whole time. First, it was damage, then it was damage drop off, then it was recoil, then indirect nerfs after introduction. There was no rework to update her roaming capabilities (Vigil got buffed to bypass lion scan)
The operator is in need of dire concept rework.
I hope they rework the operator fully, Maybe make her 2 speed with acog for M12, make her interrogation more reliable and easier to pull off but with less rewards, Something like She can throw data knife on downed operators and hack their systems. Pinging all attackers 3-5 times like alibi's holograms, the knife could have a trajectory so you cannot just use it across the map.
Someone proposed idea of hiding teammate's icon and outline when he's getting interrogated but that still doesnt changes the very binary and enemy's "stupidity" based reward more. We need operators who rely on your own skill first, not on attacker's skill.
Idea of medium risk/medium reward is far more enjoyable, Competitive and open to creativity than binary playstyles. There's a reason why Skopos is a simple roaming operator but at same time, player's ability makes her more in-depth. Kapkan is a simple operator but player's skill makes him more enjoyable to play with. These operators do not rely only on attacker's stupidity but also on flow of the match.
What do you guys think? Any caveira main still exist out there anymore?