Are there any modded servers that aren’t for virgins and neckbeards?

So, unfortunately, RDO hasn’t been updated in a very long time and I have done all there is to do multiple times. You can only play single player so many times, too.

Red Dead is one of my comfort games and I’ve played since the first one back when I was a freshman in high school, and always return to these titles.

I recently built a gaming PC and thought that RedM looked like fun! There are mods where Mexico is being rebuilt, Guarma is accessible, there are player-owned shops, businesses, ranches, homes, etc. as well as roles like lawmen and doctors. Sounds like a lot of fun, right?

WRONG. These people are WEIRD. I mean, they take this shit SO seriously, like it’s actually life or death. I get that it’s RP, but my god. There is also no tutorial or info on how/what you are supposed to do, and if you DARE ask a question in the Discord server, you get dogpiled by a bunch of weird, maidenless losers. They will also crucify you for not using a mic, and not taking RP seriously enough, and tell you that you can “get in trouble” for discussing the game outside of the game. Oh, and you can’t even say “game” you have to say “county.” LMAO

Truth be told, I’m too employed for this shit. Are there any modded servers out there that are for people with jobs, lives, and friends that aren’t full of incels? I’ve yet to find one. Thanks.

Edit: Rose County seems to be promising so far! The community seems pretty nice and helpful, and directions are a little clearer on that server than others. Less gatekeeping and toxicity for sure. I would avoid Syn County as that one was BY FAR the worst I had come across. Extremely toxic, huge incel energy in the discord and a lot of random attacks in game, with no clear direction on what to do. Every server is gonna have some cringe roleplay but, eh, they’re RP servers.